Tuesday, September 9, 2014


You only win if you keep winning habits and a positive support group around you. 

Health and Fitness or love and friendship all have something in common . Staying consistent with them all will give you a long happy life . Life is short so live it with the best of your ability 
That's winning !! 

Buy and Sell Fitness
Michael Feliu 


Monday, September 8, 2014

Success with a plan

Success has many definitions when it come to business in our society today . Some would say having a 6 figure annual income is where success is truly at. Financial income that is debt free in your savings, let's just say 1million free and clear . Having that is great but can you quit your job in your 30s and live off that for the rest of your life . I would say No , things in life come and go on a day to day basis that just cost money .
My personal definition of success is well... I'll just keep that to myself ,but my bar is set extremely high . I have such supreme confidence I will reach it because I have worked my way out of everything that I have wanted so far . But I always have had a plan . From day to day I remind myself of my goals and how I'm going to reach my goals so I will be successful . We earn what we create by hard work, when it's given to you it's your responsibility to make it better . Big difference !! 

Buy and Sell Fitness 
Michael Feliu 
