Sunday, January 17, 2016

goals and your time

Make everyday count  ! Ever look back at a picture of yourself from a year ago and say "wow that felt like just yesterday" . I find myself looking towards the future when I have laid out a plan that will get me to my Goals . Whether its fitness ,business, or personal goals it gives us a sense of urgency and expectation that we have to succeed. Its our own personal competiveness that whispers in our ear " hey can you do this or not . Get up and Go ! "
We have our own measure of what we call successful , but no matter what it is . Its the journey to get there that is always tested with time. By time I mean how long it takes you to get there . When you're truly determined to achieve your goals you will work through sickness, stress, or just everyday life getting in your way. When I'm at a roadblock trying to meet my goals and I make excuses to put off my goals, I know within myself that I'm without a solution. With no solutions equals no progress thus equals wasting your time .  Make the most of every second because your future is made by you and what you do now with it . No Excuses !!!

Michael Feliu
Buy And Sell Fitness