Wednesday, September 19, 2018

What to clean your fitness equipment with ?

What to clean your fitness equipment with ?

Answer is pretty simple , Dish soap mix with water in a spray bottle and a microfiber cloth . You may think why do I even need to clean my fitness equipment well, it’s a source where bacteria and mold can form. But also helps prevents rust sustain the life of your equipment. And there are certain areas that need to remain clean because they are pivot points and lubricated areas that need to remain dirt free.  
The types of soap you shouldn’t use is bleach ,any kind of all purpose cleaner or any strong abrasive sponge that could scratch or take off the protective layers of your fitness equipment.
If in a high use gym your equipment should be cleaned at least every two hours or in a home setting should be cleaned at least once a week. A deep clean should be performed at least every three months no matter if it’s in a home or commercial location .
As part of Gym Doctors maintenance plan is a deep clean done quarterly and we can also do this monthly. We can have a full diagnostic done with your gym so we can keep your gym always performing at its best to ensure your health and safety

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