Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Keeping your fintess equipment inside vs outside

Keeping your fitness equipment inside vs outside

Finding a good place to put your fitness equipment can be challenging when you have a compact home . We highly recommend keeping your fitness equipment in a controlled climate and low humidity areas . Florida weather is extremely humid , rust occurs very quickly with anything metal . Keeping your fitness equipment by the pool can cause rust to happen as well . Electrical components can short out much faster then in a controlled climate . This can all lead to costly maintenance that could have been avoidable .
In a commercial setting , try to avoid keeping your equipment by the locker room or indoor pools as these are areas with alot of humidity . With the all the active the members , be sure to at least maintain a constant temperature of  75 degrees to avoid high humidity from body heat . As always try and wipe down your equipment from body sweat  after every use . Have a quarterly
 maintenance plan and please call Gym Doctor Repair for all your maintenance needs.


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